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Noah hosts again while Chris is in the land of no service, also known as Utah! We talk about LibreOffice, Ubuntu's new Setup wizard, OpenSUSE's leap & more!
Podcast episode
September 30th, 2015
A special edition of the Unplugged show, Chris joins the Virtual LUG from the road & Noah and Wes host the show. They compare and contrast Fedora and Arch & the nice...
Podcast episode
September 23rd, 2015
We cover some great open source projects that help you live life off-line, as if you were online. We also discuss the upstream contributions from Munich & an awesome block level back...
Podcast episode
September 16th, 2015
Debian aims for reproducible builds of all packages. We’ll explain what that means & why other distributions might be jumping onboard with the idea. Plus impressive early performance results under Mir ...
Podcast episode
September 8th, 2015
Top law enforcement officials in the US want backdoors in all encryption systems. What would the ramifications to open source around the world be if this became law of the land in...
Podcast episode
September 1st, 2015
We celebrate the 24th birthday of Linux by looking back to it’s early days, discuss the new SSD optimized Linux file system, the rather normal things Linux is doing on Mainframes ...
Podcast episode
August 25th, 2015
Live from the floor of LinuxCon 2015 we capture Bruce Schneier’s take on hacking attribution, how HP enthusiastically supports Linux internally & our impressions of the big convention. Plus how Docker is...
Podcast episode
August 19th, 2015
Cristina Perez Hesano helps individuals struggling with debt to file for bankruptcy. In this episode, she he takes us through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy from prep to discharge, and why she decided...
Podcast episode
August 17th, 2015
We chat with the chief technology officer behind Mycroft, an open source artificial intelligence for everyone. Then discuss Android’s adoption of Vulkan and the major impact it could have on desktop Linux...
Podcast episode
August 11th, 2015
Ubuntu publishes their roadmap for the next few releases & we discuss what the future might hold for “Ubuntu Personal”. Plus the major challenges Linux gaming is facing. Then we’ve got insights...
Podcast episode
August 5th, 2015
Deacon Haymond discusses his small and growing law firm that specializes in trusts and estates. Deacon talks us through his fees, how he finds clients, and what happens when he's too nice...
Podcast episode
August 3rd, 2015
Great interviews from the floor of OSCON 2015! How FastMail uses Linux, managing thousands of Apache instances, an open source Slack killer, Tizen on all the things & much more. Plus why...
Podcast episode
July 28th, 2015
Jaye Lindsay decided after 3.5 years that he’d had enough. His first job out of law school wasn't glamorous, but the steady pay and hands-on litigation experience made up for a lack...
Podcast episode
July 27th, 2015
Noah joins us in studio for a fun edition of Unplugged! Updates are landing on Ubuntu Phones, the ridiculous work around for a major performance boost on AMD cards, the real problem...
Podcast episode
July 20th, 2015
Ryan Morrison created a firm centered on helping video game developers. His work greatly varies depending on what his clients need, but often involves intellectual property and contracts. In this episode, Ryan...
Podcast episode
July 19th, 2015
A renewed push to kill flash hits the web & we discuss the possible advantages for Linux users. A KDE user trying out Gnome for a week & the real issues he...
Podcast episode
July 14th, 2015
Meaghan Hearne is involved in a variety of general practice areas, from civil litigation and criminal defense to divorces and child custody. However, much of her work revolves around LGBTQA+ clients and...
Podcast episode
July 13th, 2015
We reflect on 100 episodes of LINUX Unplugged, the themes from episodes past & then review Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon edition. Then we’ll discuss an exciting new form factor for x86 based...
Podcast episode
July 7th, 2015
Each of the five U.S. military branches has a large legal staff that handles civil litigation, criminal prosecution and defense, and more. With worldwide jurisdiction, the military justice system operates alongside our...
Podcast episode
July 6th, 2015
Will Pinos bring to Linux Video What PulseAudio did for audio? We discuss this major development that breaks during the show. Also, a great discussion about the new Linux Mint release that...
Podcast episode
June 30th, 2015

1331 results
