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Civil rights and human rights lawyers seek the expansion and protection of rights that individuals are theoretically entitled to as citizens of a nation or state (civil rights) or in virtue of...
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The criminal justice system pits individuals against the government over alleged crimes against people, property, and society. Representatives on both sides consider the facts, the law, and whether they can persuade a...
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These lawyers work for a corporation or government's law department, managing legal and regulatory matters. Here, the clients are internal but ultimately the organization instead of any individual.
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These jobs do not require a law degree or license, but the JD still provides an advantage in either obtaining or doing the job. The JD is not your only path to...
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Many lawyers are small business owners who happen to provide legal services. Running a practice involves finding clients, managing the books, collecting bills, and much more.
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Change takes many forms and comes about in many ways.
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We live in a world bound by rules, from the fine print in credit card agreements to regulations that govern the air we breathe, how companies hire and fire people, and sanitation...
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Known colloquially as "hanging a shingle," solo practitioners work for themselves and can build their practices however they see fit. Some have a general practice, while others do just a single area...
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At the center of any deal between two or more parties is a contract that reflects due diligence, negotiation, and people who must work together once the ink is dry. But contracts...
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These lawyers are in the courtroom trying cases before judges and juries. Not all litigators spend a lot of time in the courtroom, but those who do tend to be a special...
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These jobs are not impossible to get, but they're incredibly competitive and require some luck and immense effort. Dream jobs should inspire you, but a backup plan is still a good idea.
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The percentage of students who left school, for any reason, after the first year.
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Total students starting law school in a single academic year, whether they start in the winter, spring, summer, or fall, or attend class part time or full time.
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The percentage of applicants during an admissions cycle who received an offer to attend the school, including those accepted off of the waitlist.
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Based on your LSAT, GPA, and demographics, how likely are you to get admitted to the school? Note, this does not take into consideration individual aspects of your application such as character...
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Refers to the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles for all enrollees included in the admissions dataset.
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The percentage of graduates who passed the bar exam, which states typically require for a law license and thus the practice of law. For law schools, bar pass rates are measured among...
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Includes jobs as an attorneys or as judicial clerks. Except for clerks, these jobs anticipate or require that you pass the bar and be licensed to practice law. This category sweeps judicial...
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Any financial aid award, the retention of which is dependent upon the student maintaining a minimum grade point average or class standing, other than that ordinarily required to remain in good academic...
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The cost of living figure usually reflects 9 or 10 months of living expenses and includes all non-tuition related expenses, such as transportation, books, housing, food, etc.
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